Welcome to the glossary page. This page was created because I am aware that not everything in my comic will be immidiately apparent to the reader. You of course are saying: "Hey, shouldn't you be able to explain everything in the comic itself!?"
Probably. But this is easier, and will allow the story to flow better. They used something similar in a comic called the the "Nth Man" , by Marvel comics. I will give background information and interesting tidbits here, as well as explain terms that you won't find in real life.
- A cheap international motel chain that relies on electronic payment and check in. They have low quality rooms and are frequently monitored by local governments due to the frequent nature of their patrons.
- An automatic fridge, freezer, and food preparation unit that automatically shops stores and cooks for its owner.
- An international company that makes it's money by selling Citizen Identifaction software to companies. Positive Citizen ID is required to make a purchase anywhere in the world.
- Pronounced alternately 'yo' or 'joe'. This is the ammunition for the LG-42 light gun. It is a non-toxic liquid that is activated by intense heat (the kind that would damage traditional weapons).
- This the official designation for the Lightgun hand Pistol, used by Rob Smith in Chapter one. The forty-two comes from the fact that it was the forty second attempt to manufacture this time of accurate energy pulse weapon.It is composed of a heat resistant ceramic composite, due to the intesne heat required to activate the ammunition. How it works is a military secret that is still heavily guarded.
Light Ups
- Similar to the clapper. Light Ups are a voice controlled technology used for both lights and windows. Used for lights, it regulates the light in the room, projecting it from aflat fiberoptic panel, often on the roof. Used for windows, it replaces curtains, darkening or lightening the tint of the glass as desired. Light Ups are voice controlled.
- An alarm clock that wakes people up more gently than older models, by sending signals directly to the brain, causes a release of chemicals that wakes the body up.
Revised Freedom of Information Act (2112)
- This law was passed by the Utopia Earth government in 2112, as a safety precaution against information terrorism. Under the law everyone has the right to freedom of expression, but not freedom of method of expression. It was conluded that as long as people were able to express themselves, limiting the methods of expression was not against the Utopia Constitution. The Internet and other un-regulated forms of communication such as CB radios were banned for the safety of the people. In place of the Internet, the Utopia created CityNet, a near identical international network, that is secure from terrorists.
- This is a security technology that used to replace x-ray technology. It is an automated device with an artificial intelligence capable of making judgement calls. The scanner x-rays luggage checks all items against known images of contraband, then tests all items for the presence of illegal materials (such as dynamite). It then makes a decision as to what is being carried. Used in all major airports.
Sleep Tank
The average person in 2157 sleeps in an oxygen chamber due to the thinning air quality in the high rise cities that people live in.
- The SP-11 is an automatic pistol, that fires traditional 9mm bullets and has a magazine capacity of 22. It is the standard issue weapon of the Swiss Special Police Force.
Swiss Special Police
- The Swiss Special Police are a team of police officers that double as riot control and SWAT team in Switzerland. They where a combination of armor plating and kevlar as protection and are only called out for major problems.
- This is the abbreviation for the United Earth Organization. They chose UO over 'UE', because it sounds better, and 'UEO' sounded even worse. The UO is the precursor to the Utopia Earth, which uses Utopia as it's shortened form rather than an abbreviation.
- This is the Utopia Earth, the worldwide government that is in charge of global policy in 2157. Officially it is well run and very popular.