The Sins of the People -This is my new comic page, check it out.
Sinfest -Can't be explained, just check it out.
Exploitation Now -Serious Adult content, but still a great page with really good art.
EverSummer Eve -Modern Faerie tale. Great Art, updated once a week.
RPG World -You have to play console RPGs to get it, but if you do, it's hilarious.
Mac Hall -College life on Mac, read it and love it.
Sketch of Love -Cool art, cool story, vampires, what more do you want? it's stopped now, but still good.
Kung Fool -Hong Kong action theatre meets anime, a match made heaven (or someplace a little naughtier)
MegaTokyo -Two Americans in Tokyo, both gamers, one's insane the other has a sarcastic conscience. Laugh foo
8-bit Theatre -Long live the original Final Fantasy, a spirte comic that pays homage.
Tsunami Channel -Shojo Manga on acid, Don't ask just enjoy.
MindTrip -An insane kid who listens to the voices in his head. Get it? Got it! Good!... I don't get it.
Dragoness -I gave her gift art, and she put it up! That, and she's a great artist.
Julie Dillon -The best web artist I've seen ever. Period.
Shari, SurviveBadBlood -The Artist behind Sketch of Love and MindTrip, check it out.
Arioch -Cool art, even has a short comic!
MOB -The Monthly 'draw pretty girls' contest. I entered once, lost, and will enter again.
MAG -The Monthly Anime Gaijin. Draw other people's characters. I entered this as well, once, lost, and will enter again.